Environmental Communication. Second Edition

eBook - Skills and Principles for Natural Resource Managers, Scientists, and Engineers.

Erschienen am 20.07.2010, Auflage: 2/2010
173,95 €
(inkl. MwSt.)


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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9789048139873
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 310 S., 3.96 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


Environmental professionals can no longer simply publish research in technical journals. Informing the public is now a critical part of the job. Environmental Communication demonstrates, step by step, how its done, and is an essential guide for communicating complex information to groups not familiar with scientific material. It addresses the entire communications process, from message planning, audience analysis and media relations to public speaking - skills a good communicator must master for effective public dialogue. Environmental Communication provides all the knowledge and tools you need to reach your target audience in a persuasive and highly professional manner.

"This book will certainly help produce the skills for environmental communications sorely needed for industry, government and non-profit groups as well as an informed public".Sol P. Baltimore, Director, Environmental Communications and Adjunct faculty, Hazardous Waste management program, Department of Chemical Engineering, College of Engineering, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan.

"All environmental education professionals agree that the practice of good communications is essential for the success of any program. This book provides practical skills for this concern".Ju Chou,Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of Environmental Education National Taiwan Normal University Taipei, Taiwan


Part 1: Principles of Environmental Communication1. Understanding the world around us 2. Communicating about the environment3. Developing your environmental literacy4. Investigating environmental issuesPart 2: Communication planning5. Planning environmental communication6. Analyzing your audience7. Evaluating your messages effects8. Characterizing the mass media 9. Highlighting useful media Part 3: Skills Building and Practical Applications10. Grouping together well11. Differing ways of thinking and doing12. Communicating across cultures13.Speaking to an audience14.Communicating without words15. Using visual aids16. Dealing with the news media17. Managing conflict18. Communicating about risk19. Learning from marketing and public relations20. Walking the Talk of Green Business and Sustainability

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