Pflege von Patienten mit Schlaganfall

eBook - Von der Stroke Unit bis zur Rehabilitation

Erschienen am 06.07.2022, Auflage: 3/2022
34,99 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783170362208
Sprache: Deutsch
Umfang: 364 S., 9.02 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


Starting with the stroke unit, this volume describes care in a treatment team for patients with stroke. It provides nursing professionals with the knowledge they need about the development of ischemic stroke and prophylaxis against it, enabling them to provide competent care and counselling for the individuals affected throughout the entire duration of the disease. On the basis of medical and nursing theory, the nursing problems involved in common stroke symptoms are covered, along with the more subtle limitations that play an important role in enabling patients to communicate and return to everyday life. Nursing and therapeutic aspects are supplemented with information on sociolegal issues and early neurological rehabilitation. Delirium, neuropsychology, palliative care and interprofessional team training are also presented here for the first time. Information about the international situation and professional development rounds out this third edition.


Prof. Anne-Kathrin Cassier-Woidasky, graduate nursing lecturer, Saarland University of Applied Sciences. Prof. Waltraud Pfeilschifter, Senior Consultant in the Department of Neurology and Clinical Neurophysiology at Lüneburg Hospital, Chair of the DSG Commission on Advanced Nursing Training in the Stroke Unit. Dr. Joerg Glahn, specialist in neurology and intensive-care medicine; senior physician, Mühlenkreiskliniken& Johannes Wesling Hospital, Minden.

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